Why a telephone answering service is even more important during lockdown

Here at Hexagon our telephone answering service is used by lots of businesses that recognise the importance of having their business phone answered by a person. With offices shut during lockdown and staff on furlough, this is not always as possible as it was.
When you make a phone call, it’s because you want to speak to someone. You don’t want to leave a voicemail in the hope that someone will call you back eventually or worse still, hang up because no one answers the phone.
With mobile phones that we have on us at all times, there is no excuse for people not being available. And yet if you are running a business you can’t be available at all times.
For example, one of our virtual tenants is Simon Bray Wealth Management Ltd. With many of their clients being in different parts of the country, Simon took the step 3 years ago to close their formal office and have a virtual office at Hexagon. He said, “With the team working from home, the option of enhancing the virtual office further with phone answering and messaging added a great deal of flexibility for holiday cover but also to allow my staff to concentrate on other projects without phone interruption. The team at Hexagon are extremely helpful and I see them as a fantastic extension to my own team and would recommend this service to anyone looking to bring efficiencies to their own business.”
With our telephone answering service, we answer your calls in the company name, as if we work for them. In fact, most callers think we are actually your office. We get to know all our virtual tenants businesses, their staff and often their regular callers too! There’s no ‘who?’ or ‘what’s his surname?’ or ‘we don’t have anyone called that working here’ because we know! We know how to talk to their clients or customers, we can give real reasons why they are not able to take the call, not just that ‘they are not available’. We are not a call centre but an extension of our virtual tenant’s business.
We pass on messages in a method that suits, by email or SMS or some clients phone in for them at a set time each day. We take comprehensive messages too, not just a name and number and if required, we can even have access to a diary to make appointments.
With the Coronavirus pandemic we’ve been busier than ever, as firms struggle with furloughed staff. Abbie Willcox, Hexagon Centre Manager said, “If someone doesn’t have the staff capacity to answer the telephones we can answer them for them. Some clients use us as an overflow service when everyone is on the phone or to cover holidays so we are very used to on boarding new clients quickly.”
Hexagon’s telephone answering is available for a small monthly fee and a £1/call, making it a very cost effective way to get your calls answered professionally.
Talk to us about our telephone answering service. Call us on 01993 848770 or